Our Programs

Elite Performer

Warrior Queen

Workforce Productivity

Smarts & Polymath Web

Brain Fitness for Schools

Brain for Businesses (B4B)

Relationship Counselling

Happy Child

Brain Science & AI

Elite Performer

The mental game is what sets the elite apart from the ordinary in life. That’s why we have designed a program tailored for sports men/women and entertainers. Our goal is to help them fall in love with the process and build confidence for the stage.

Discipline is key to standing out among many, and our program takes a unique approach. We incorporate training techniques from intelligence agencies such as FBI, CIA, Mensa group, and more, tailored to our clients’ needs, to produce the best possible results. We cover critical areas such as mental toughness, resilience, muscle memory, visualization, attention and focus control, among others.

Our program offers both one-on-one and group sessions, and you have the option to retain one of our coaches as your personal mental trainer for one-on-one sessions. We are dedicated to helping our clients unlock their full potential and achieve their goals.

Warrior Queens

As the Sohai warriors believed, the battle is first won in the mind before the sword. I often witness kindhearted and gifted women being taken for granted, losing their passion for work, or feeling overwhelmed by motherhood. If you find yourself in a similar situation, then our Warrior Queens program is for you.

We can help you discover your inner strength and live the super life of the superwoman that you are. The program starts with an exclusive three-month Warrior Mindset Training, and upon successful completion, you can join our Warrior Queens community.

Our program is designed for women in leadership positions, business owners, young entrepreneurs, and those tired of being weakened by their emotions. We focus on critical areas such as neuroplasticity (brain rewiring), self-confidence, neurogenesis, emotional intelligence, mental toughness, and mental health.

Join us, and together we can help you unleash your full potential and live the life you deserve.

Workforce Productivity

The performance of the human capital is a critical determinant of the overall value of a company. The productivity of the workforce directly affects the competitiveness and profitability of an organization. As remote work continues to become more prevalent, it is increasingly important for business leaders to identify the factors that improve performance and output, as well as those that hinder them.

Improving workforce productivity not only results in better output but also enhances employee engagement, morale, and motivation. It allows for the discovery of better ways of working and enables remote and flexible work conditions. Additionally, it can improve decision-making, staff retention, and profitability.

Our training program stands out from others as we provide employees with the necessary mental skills to produce efficiently, even during times of crisis. We believe that mental skills are the new gold mine for employee training, and we focus on equipping employees with these skills to thrive in today’s economy. Our training contracts typically last for three months, renewable upon completion.

Smart & Polymath Web

We are pleased to offer you an exclusive opportunity to join our innovation hub designed for hyper intelligent individuals. Our mission is to bring together brilliant minds to collaborate on identifying and solving problems facing our communities through collective brainstorming and analysis.

Our hub is also a safe space where hypers can discuss their challenges and work on their mental health. We believe that everyone deserves to thrive, and we are committed to helping our members achieve their goals.

To join our hub, you must pass our rigorous hyper tests, which include assessments of your IQ, EQ, accelerated thinking, low latent inhibition, and hyper-specific skills. Our membership is free, and we welcome hyper-intelligent children as well.

We also organize programs for parents, teachers, and guidance counselors to help them understand and support the unique needs of raising geniuses. We look forward to welcoming you to our community of hyper-intelligent individuals.

Brain Fitness for Schools

“An aspiring teacher goes through a full term education to learn how to teach subjects which they are already good at how then don’t we think that the learner has to be taught how to learn” Lizette Beri, 2017.

Brain Fitness for Schools is a program designed to help students develop the foundational skills needed for lifelong learning.

We understand that learning extends beyond the classroom, and we aim to create a safe and engaging environment where students can thrive academically and emotionally. Our program focuses on enhancing executive function, brain fitness, mindfulness practice, cognitive skills, and mental exercises to help students achieve their full potential.

We also recognize the impact of emotional baggage on learning and personal growth, and we work with students to help them manage and overcome these challenges. Our goal is to equip students with the skills and tools they need to become confident, independent learners who can successfully navigate their academic and personal journeys.

Brain for Businesses (B4B)

At B4B, we understand that every business idea requires the right conditions to grow and flourish. That’s why we offer a range of programs to help aspiring entrepreneurs like you prime your brain for success. We know that it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of a new business idea, but it’s essential to have a clear and honest understanding of the process ahead. Our programs will help you visualize different pathways, allowing you to choose or create a process that aligns with your goals and passions. We believe that success and fulfillment in your business venture are directly tied to your mindset, and we are here to support you in developing a winning mindset for success.

Relationship Counselling

At our relationship counseling center, we understand that healthy relationships are the foundation for a fulfilling life. We offer a safe and supportive environment for individuals, couples, and families to work through any challenges they may be facing. Our team of experienced counselors will guide you through effective communication strategies, conflict resolution techniques, and help you to build stronger, more meaningful relationships.

We know that no two relationships are the same, which is why we personalize our counseling approach to meet your unique needs. Whether you are seeking counseling to resolve conflicts, improve communication, or simply enhance your relationships, we are here to help.

Don’t let strained relationships weigh you down. Take the first step towards building a better, healthier life by reaching out to us.

Happy Child

In our communities, special needs education does not receive enough support. They are hardly any agencies offering training for people concerned with special needs.

We offer a series of programs or services to better learning experiences for special needs kids.

  • Seminars for parents/ guidance/teachers raising or taking care of special needs kids.
  • Teachers Training for special needs education (Diploma, Certification courses).
  • Testing children (psychometric tests) for learning disabilities and helping in placement.
  • Drawing IEP with teachers and parents.
  • Design modifications in classrooms or schools suitable for inclusive education.

Brain Science & AI

As a part of the S&P Web, we have embarked on a mission to explore the realm of robotics, with the goal of developing noninvasive Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs). Our primary objective is to create educational tools that will amaze and inspire people about the incredible power of the mind.

We also aim to design user-friendly products that can address and solve some of the most pressing problems in our environment. We believe that by leveraging the potential of robotics and BCIs, we can make a positive impact on the world and contribute to a better future for all.